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Land use planning & Territory Zoning

    Experienced in consulting local government when policying on these matters.

    Experienced as member of PUA Committee, City of Terracina, Italy.

    Experienced in elaborations of PUAs

    A PUA is a agronomic/financial document that goes together with the construction documents when applying for construction permits for farm infrastructures in agriculture zones.

    This applies when local governments sees the construction rights no longer based on the area of the land owned but based on the kind of business that takes place in that specific chunk of land (in fact, a Business Plan is part of a PUA) and on the actual need of infrastructures of that specific business.

    Expert's Reports

    Experienced in assisting farmers and fresh produce trading companies in case of litigations.

    Also experienced as Court Consultant (appointed by the Judge).

    (In judicial proceedings, the Judge appoint a Court Consultant and each of the parts appoint their own consultant for an Expert's Report).

    Been dealing with cases like : valuation of damages caused by breach of contract, valuation of properties subject to expropriation, valuation of properties used as Bank Garantee, valuation of damages caused by natural disasters (hail, floods, wind), etc.